Welcome to the Armada Congregational United Church of Christ

We are followers of Jesus Christ who endeavor to live lives of faith together.

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Pipe Organ

Pipe Organ



Welcome to the Armada United Church of Christ.

  • What we Know...
  • * We know the Christian faith is often difficult.

  • What we Believe...
  • * We believe the Scriptures teach about faith in the resurrected Jesus Christ and living out faith as a follower of Him.

  • What we're doing About it...
  • * We have come together as a community of people living out, growing in, and endevouring to proclaim the good news of God through Jesus our Resurrected Lord.

Book by Judith Smith

"Book by Cover"

Church Building

"Church Building, 1914"

1880 Photo

"The Quilting Party, 1880"

Our Heritage & History

The Congregational United Church of Christ of Armada was incorporated in 1838 as the First Congregational Church and Society, with nine charter members who settled in the Armada area from New York. They met in a log shanty, a school house, and over a general store before erecting the first building in 1843–1856. The building followed the traditional New England architectural style, white frame with steeple. The current building was erected in 1914. Two stained glass windows, circa 1887, memorializing early pastors, adorn the side room.

The Church was important to the community with as many as 215 students registered in the Sabbath School and a huge library of over 400 volumes. As other churches formed their own Sunday schools, attendance declined.

Music has always been an important part of our heritage. The first pipe organ was built by two members in 1854; it was in use until 1929 when a newer pipe organ was installed. In the 1950s, members voted to purchase a Baldwin organ, but in 1987 in honor of our 150th anniversary, a new nine rank Moeller pipe organ was installed. From the early 20th century to the late mid-century, records indicate the church had a large chancel choir as well as children's and youth choirs, which performed frequently in the community.

In 1958, the church became part of the newly formed United Church of Christian ecumenical merger of Congregational and Evangelical & Reformed denominations.

In September 2001, on the church's 163rd anniversary, a new wing was dedicated which provided administrative offices and Sunday school rooms. A ground floor entrance and an elevator made the church completely handicap accessible. An unfinished second floor provides space for future expansion.

We cherish our history. We have many viewpoints and express our faith in a variety of ways from a traditional worship perspective. More importantly, we worship one God through Jesus the Christ and the Holy Spirit. We are involved in caring for and sharing in each other's lives. By giving our time, talents, resources and gifts, we express care and concern for all God's people and for God's creation.


Mission & Ministry

Our Mission

“To plant God's seeds of faith, hope and love in ministry to the community where we can cultivate, nurture and grow congregational strength into a foundation of lifelong Christian prayer, faith and service.”

We are blessed to be able to be a part ministries which impact our community.


We participate with the Macomb County Rotating Emergency Shelter Team which cares for the homeless in our community.

The Sharing Organization

We sponsor The Sharing Organization which ministers to nursing care residents in our community.

Community Food Pantry

We participate with Armada's community food pantry.

News Letter

Current News Letter

Church Calender


Prayer Request

Prayer Request Form

Church Rental

Button for Form Below

Ministery Team

Ministry Team

Here are the many faithful people who make up the ministry team of the Armada CUCC.


Doyll Andrews


Pastor Andrews brings a deep faith in Jesus and a heart full of compassion for people leading our congregation to grow in the same for Jesus.


Kathy Cryderman

President, Church Council

Kathy is a faithful servant of Jesus who serves the role as Council Present faithfully.

Vice President

Lori Riggs

Vice President

Lori faithfully serves as the congregation's Vice President.


Judith Smith


Judy does the faithful work of making sure the checking account balances each month.

Kay Rawlings

Financial Secretary

Kay makes sure everything is accounted for and deposited.


Tammye Jantamrian


As Clerk, Tammye serves a plethora of congregational needs.

Lee Ann Rice

Church Secretary

Lee Ann is the human spring that makes the clock tick. She faithfully juggles the responsibilities of the church and makes sure nothing gets dropped.



Please call on us.

Our Address

73966 Fulton St, Armada, MI 48005

Email Us


Call Us

(586) 784-5901